Wednesday, May 20, 2015

California Spring

Okay, I lied. The photos were not taken recently, but the weather is indifferent. I still need to wrap myself in scarves and there was a week of sweater weather. I cannot honestly wait to be enveloped by the warm Malaysian air, to stand under the scorching sun until my skin, hair starts to pinch. I cannot wait to sweat, pant, and complain again. 

Just a while ago, I was relating to my friend about how different summer meant to myself and those who experience the four seasons. Summer conjures up family vacations, getting coup de soleils, tongue-staining popsicles, and pure bliss. For me, summer sounds like heavy and slow school days. The year end month-long holidays were some sort of summer, but not a culture as widely embraced here in the Western hemisphere than the East. There were no seasonal operations (except the educational kind), and no movie representations. 

Do not really know what I am putting out here, but there you go. 

Oh hey, outfit shot.

I will get to blogging soon.